
HR Support


HR and SME's

HR issues can affect productivity, morale, and can really restrict you business from achieving it full potential. HR is an integral part of a fully functioning corporation or business. HR departments deal with employee issues, compliance and the general wellbeing of your business.

The problem with modern SME’s its that they are generally too big for the business owners to deal with HR issues taking the owner away from core profit making activities, or too small for a dedicated HR department that has an impact on revenues and without economies of scale can really affect a businesses profit margins.

This is a typical growth or teething problem that are typical for emerging start-ups or early revenue business.

All this as well as trying to balance staff moral which also can have a severe effect on business success.


HR Support

Our team deals with all industries and all businesses and we try every time to give an amazing experience to our customers, We see a happy workforce as an integral part of a businesses success. We are always trying innovative to look at the problems within HR.

We see our success being your success and vice versa.

We have built an innovative platform for SME’s. To see more click here.


Flexibility is our approach

If you need a project-based HR consult team or a HR advisory team we can support you. This frees you to focus on revenue producing components of your business knowing that your HR issues are being managed for the best outcomes of your business.

We can be engaged on event based, project based or monthly terms and we will provide a report on outcomes depending on engagement.

This way you are free to engage in more critical business activities but with an understanding of important HR issues in a systemised approach.

We can arrange your team to be managed through our SaaS solution that brings unrivalled compliance and management to a user-friendly dashboard. see more