
WHS Consultation


WHS is YOUR responsibility

As if business owners do not have enough to stress about. it's very clear that if you conduct business in Australia the buck stops with you!

A person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU) is the person that is responsible under the Work Health and Safety (WHS) Act. they're usually the employer and can be a variety of entities such as a partnership, company, unincorporated body or association, a sole trader, or statutory authority.

Its very clear that business owners (ie normally PCBU) or those that make decisions (managers, supervisors) etc that affect the business—referred to as ‘officers’ within the model regulations—must exercise due diligence and confirm the PCBU complies with its health and safety obligations.

This includes ensuring there are appropriate health and safety practices or systems are in place before starting work as well as actively monitoring and evaluating health and safety as an ongoing concern in the workplace.
The main problem isn't that whether you're taking your WHS responsibilities seriously but are the contractors you utilise aware of their own responsibilities under the act?

Are their insurances like public liability and workers compensation paid and up to date? Find out more here


Support and systemisation